Wednesday, June 3, 2020

2019 Best Brightest Andres Gomez-Perry, New York University (Stern)

Andres Gomez-Perry 2019 Best Brightest: Andres Gomez-Perry, New York University (Stern) by: Jeff Schmitt on March 22, 2019 | 0 Comments Comments 1,073 Views March 22, 2019Andres Gomez-PerryNew York University, Stern School of Businessâ€Å"A Colombian-American drinking English breakfast tea while reading Garcia Lorca in Shanghai’s French concession.†Fun fact about yourself: My first job was to sell wands at Ollivanders Wand Shop at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.Hometown: Bogota, Colombia/ Orlando, FLHigh School: Bishop Moore Catholic High SchoolMajor: Business and Political Economy (BPE)Favorite Business Course: Negotiation and Consensus BuildingExtracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:NYU Stern Social Impact Stipend Grant- recipient (2016)NYU Model United Nations- Ambassador to NYU London Branch (2016-2017)Stern Judiciary Committee- Vice Chair (2018-2019)Stern Integrity Group- Chair (2018-2019)The Gould Standard Undergraduate Newspaper- M arkets Editor (2018-2019)Dean’s List (2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018)Beta Gamma Sigma- (inducted 2018)Where have you interned during your college career? Fundacion Porque Quiero A Colombia- Bogota, Colombia; Tasco Water Delivery Project InternWest London Business Chamber of Commerce- London, U.K.; Policy Commissions InternMcKinsey Company- Atlanta, USA; Sophomore Summer Business AnalystMcKinsey Company- Atlanta, USA; Summer Business AnalystWhere will you be working after graduation? McKinsey Company, Business Analyst.Who is your favorite professor? My favorite professor, Stephen Harder, teaches Business Law and Society at NYU Shanghai. Having experienced Poland privatization in the 1990’s and leading Clifford Chance in China, Harder’s anecdotes inspired my global curiosity. His lectures would often times go over by half an hour, and no one in the class would even notice.What did you enjoy most about your business school? Above all, I enjoyed Stern’s g lobal emphasis. On one hand, my class boasts students from all over the world. Within my close group of friends, several nationalities are represented—Singapore, Korea, Canada, Mauritius, and Italy. The high level of diversity enriches class discussions, especially in the political economy arena. On the other hand, NYU has eleven study away sites and two additional degree-granting campuses. Through this global network, I was able to spend a year in London at the wake of Brexit, a semester in Shanghai learning about East Asian political economy, a week in Hong Kong for the Stern International Studies Program, and a January term in Abu Dhabi immersing myself in the UAE’s business environment.What is the biggest lesson you gained from studying business? Business is as much about people as it is about numbers. Developing skills that help you understand and communicate with people is crucial in any business-related career. This lesson is especially important as the world fu rther globalizes. Business can become a shared language that forms bridges between different regions. It all starts with empathy and mutual respect.What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? You can either build your resume by doing things you think others will value or by following your passions and carving a story from what you care about. I recommend doing the latter.â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying†¦Anthropology, with an emphasis on human evolution. During my first year, I took and introductory course on human evolution that made me question many assumptions I had about life. I now visit anthropology museums in every new city I travel to.Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? I actually arrived at a business school by chance. During my high school career, I was more inclined to study political science or international studies. However, Stern’s Business and Political Economy program offered me the opportunity to study in three global capitals—New York, London, and Shanghai—which mirrored my interests. Since then, I have been able to examine the areas’ developmental stories and business environments.Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? During my first-year at NYU Stern, I secured a grant from the university to spend my first summer in a non-traditional internship. The grant allowed me geographical flexibility, so I chose a non-profit in Colombia that strives to mitigate the potable water crisis in the country. For two months, I worked closely with the director to finance, plan, and execute a water delivery project that benefited over 400 rural Colombians. It was really rewarding to tangibly change the lives of 400 individuals.Which classmate do you most admire? One of my closest friends suffered several setbacks throughout college. From his parents divorcing to some fina ncial challenges, this individual has taught me to maintain a positive outlook on life regardless of the circumstances.Who would you most want to thank for your success? In addition to my family, whose support has been invaluable all throughout my life, I would like to thank my favorite author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. During the hardest points of my life, I have found comfort in his writing. As he wrote in his autobiography and I have borrowed as my motto, â€Å"What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it.†What are the top two items on your bucket list? Travel to every country in the world and publish a novel.What are your hobbies? Watching Broadway plays, reading in NYC cafes, rowing, running, biking, wine and cheese-tasting.What made Andres such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2019?I had the pleasure of meeting  Andres  during his first year at Stern and the privilege of seeing his trajectory since then. From day one, Andres demonstrated an intellectual curiosity to pursue interesting and challenging topics that werent covered in class. His inclination for learning extended beyond the classroom to his extracurricular and study abroad experiences Andres is well on his way to see all the countries in the world! Throughout his personal and professional pursuits, Andres embodies a message that I hope all my students hear have the integrity to discern what is right for you; empathy to discover right by others; and bravery to do both.Jessy Hsieh Clinical Assistant Professor of Management. Page 1 of 11

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