Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay On The Fourth Amendment - 1126 Words

The Fourth Amendment The Fourth Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights on September 5, 1789, but it was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. The government cannot arrest a person if they have committed a crime. It also goes to the government as well. The Fourth or IV Amendment is a well known law because the police can’t search you, it give you protection and you wont be arrested if you say no to a policeman that they can search you. The Fourth Amendment is a well known law because police can’t search you. It gives you privacy of what you do not want the police to know. It is not illegal if you do not want anyone to know because it is your privacy. â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and†¦show more content†¦This could happen during a crime investigation or any other problem. â€Å"To claim violation of Fourth Amendment as the basis for suppressing a relevant evidence, the court had long required that the claimant must prove t hat he himself was the victim of an invasion of privacy to have a valid standing to claim protection under the Fourth Amendment.† (Fourth Amendment) This shows that you got to prove to the government about a crime investigation so they don’t have to search your items. Some people say it is not a well known law because they probably didnt have a cop tell them if they could search them. However, most people today think it is a big deal because they want their items to be private. That is why the fourth Amendment is a well known law because police can’t search any of your items you own. The fourth Amendment is a well know law because it gives your and your items protection. It could be illegal for the police to search through your items that you own without your permission. That is why everyone has an item that they want to keep a secret and that is why the fourth Amendment is giving you protection. Your house, car, papers, family items, bills, and extra items you own will not be searched by the police if you just say no. â€Å"According to the Fourth Amendment, the people have a right â€Å"to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.† (Friedman, Kerr, â€Å"THE FOURTH AMENDMENT†)Show MoreRelatedFourth Amendment Essay845 Words   |  4 PagesFourth Amendment Ashley J. Peterson Constitutional Law Steve Areges Kaplan University 1/13/2010 Fourth Amendment The Fourth Amendment is important not only to the citizens but for our law enforcement as well. 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